Sunday, August 24, 2008


headed down to this new contemporary art museum with a few friends this afternoon. and it had to rain when i forgot my umbrella again.

exterior of the building.
colours would have turned out nicer if it was a bright sunny afternoon. also, this was taken with my camera phone. i didn't want to risk bringing my dear camera out in such a rain!

L pretending to seize a video girl.
quotes on the chalk walls of the miniature classroom. interesting stuff people write!
photos are really crappy. how i wished i had been more diligent to bring my camera out with care. i went "if only...if only" when i see my friends happily snapping away with their cameras.
J said, "all photographers are voyeurs." how true.
a piece from "black is my last weapon" exhibition by Masriadi. some dark humour he has.
apparently the artist likes batman.

and this is one of my fav. LOL.

indeed, contemporary is the name of the game here. it's worth a visit especially since it's free till 29 August. there are more exhibits actually, but i didn't take photos of all. actually some galleries do not allow phototaking, but it seemed to us some of the minders aren't too strict about it. they see a camera hanging around your neck, they tell you no phototaking. but that's about it!