Monday, August 25, 2008

a new 120mm addiction

i collected my first roll of 120 film from the lab today. i kept thinking about, so anxious to see the photos taken by my vintage Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) camera! i'm glad most frames turned out decent, not grossly over or under exposed. and the vignettes are so yummy. very eager to get my second roll going soon.

very confused by the brands of film available. i have no idea how to tell which brands are better!

oh i took the camera to 8Q Sam too. here's L leaving his mark on the chalkboard wall.

mini classroom

outside CPF building. i love the musky smell of the super old camera. vintage freak!

the colorful orbs together with the gurgling from the water fountain makes a soothing scene.


Caroline said...

i think the best part of shooting film is the anticipation of it all.

kacy said...

i so agree!